Blog Archive

"Father Knows Best"

Lucky or Fortunate?


I do not believe in luck. Luck is driven by chance that often masquerades as unscheduled risk and opportunity. Luck pays no dividends to the diligent. Rather, though it’s allure to the hapless mind, promises an odds-breaking payout for little to no effort.

I believe in fortune. For instance, it is fortune to recognize the hand of a master designer in our everyday affairs. There is no point of chance. Everything is by design. While I cannot depend on chance’s odds, fortune has a winning record that, with proper insight and perspective, always seeks the best for me.

Chance is man trying to make something happen. Fortune is the pre-ordained movement of an omnipotent guiding hand to order the affairs of individuals intent on finding God’s will and staying close to his heart.

I’m not a lucky man. I’m a fortunate one that recognizes the providential movement of a God who wants only to bless me and guide me through my valleys. It is in that fortune that I submit gladly to my heavenly father. He knows what’s ahead and will take me through it.

Father knows best.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” 

Jeremiah 29:11

Jim Beaird

The Essential Element of 'Favor'

An individual can strive for excellence in scholastics but still not have the favor of God. An athlete can train vigorously to become the best in their chosen sport, but still not have God’s favor.


Someone once said, “We shape our destinies by what we strive for and by what we accomplish. In effect, it is our own effort that gets us to the goal line of life.”


While that statement holds limited veracity in today’s world, finishing strong in life also depends on something else.

It is the favor of God.


As a skinny teenager, I asked God for favor in athletics. He graciously granted my request. Before graduating high school, I had the privilege of participating in five state championships in two different sports.


But the important things that God showed me during those early years of my life was that without Him granting favor, nothing could have been accomplished worthy of eventually shaping my adult life.


God listens to prayers seeking his favor. He also examines the heart to see if that favor could bring adverse changes to the individual’s request. After all, we need to understand that our lives are in His hands and without that security, all would be lost.


Go ahead. Seek his favor. 


Ask Him to bless the work of your hands. It’s a win-win. He gets the honor, and your dreams and goals take life. He sees that you are willing to be a good steward of your gifts and we see that He listens and is faithful.


Jim Beaird

"End of the Limb" Life and Leadership - Part 2

We have all heard the phrase, “going out on a limb.” We usually infer that to do so is irresponsible and reckless, when in fact, it is where we will experience fruitfulness—both in our lives and ministries. 

There are a few thoughts about fruitfulness that bring the whole imperative for visionary life and leadership into focus. It’s simple and I am sure I am not the only one to have received this epiphany, but it is relevant in justifying our existence.

  • Fruit grows at the end of the branch, not up close to the trunk.
  • The trunk represents management; the end of the branches represents vision fueled by faith.
  • Growth takes place at the end of the branches.
  • A tree gets most of its sunlight at the branch’s end—not close to the trunk.
  • Sunlight represents revelation and occurs where the fruit grows. 

Here’s my pitch line: we need to spend more time at the end of the branchThat’s the area that represents faith and that’s the area where fruitfulness will occur. 


One final thought – offered by Craig Van Gelder in his book, Ministry of the Missional Church. He points out that when organizational loyalty is lost, one of the available options is to heighten compliance with rules and procedures. That option also accompanies down-sizing and the management of organizational entropy (gradual death).


My question is this: Are we experiencing faith at the end of the limb or are we hugging the trunk? 


Life and leadership that provides impetus is life and leadership that is willing to go out on a limb. 


"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."  John 15:5


Jim Beaird

"End of the Limb" Life and Leadership - Part 1

It is easy to talk about faith in generic terms. That is safe and even predictable

If we all agree in general terms but do not allow ourselves to get too far out on the limb, we only maintain a theoretical substitute for the real thing. Many—even most—have settled for the operation of faith within the context of their own ability

That is called management—not faith.

Faith drives vision. Vision builds the bridge to one’s preferred future. It is at this point that we all must realize we were called by God to do more than just preside over the status-quo.

It is at this juncture of understanding and conviction that we must become familiar with life at the end of the limb.


It is not a place of comfort. Nor is it a place of irresponsibility. It is the place we get to see first-hand just what God can really do if given the chance.

Anyone who has been around me for very long has discovered that I don’t like getting bogged down in details. I’m not ashamed to admit my focus problem. Don’t get me wrong, it’s just not in my nature to haggle over minor issues when there is a bigger issue—at least in my thinking—on the table. 

Haggling over minor issues keeps true life and  leadership from engaging and bringing change or growth to whatever we value.

We must always provide an example of fruitfulness in our own lives and ministries. We can never be effective if we only offer theory but have never led a model of health.

Next: Part 2 - "End of the Limb" Life and Leadership

Jim Beaird

Hitting the Wall

Distance runners know well that time when they simply ‘hit the wall.’ Every shred of energy and effort evaporates as the dreaded depletion drains their determination to finish at the top. Now, just finishing seems a long shot.


Life is a long-distance race. Runners must make the pace adjustment to accommodate various twists and turns on life’s course where they face steep uphill climbs and rapid downhill changes.


A wise mentor of mine told me that I needed to pace myself for the lang haul. What he meant was that I needed to allow time in my life’s pace to recharge my batteries and learn the discipline of sabbatical. The racecourse we call ‘life’ would still be out there in front of me. It is not a sprint, but a methodical and continual adjustment to the demands of the course.


As a runner adjusts his pace to the rigors of the course, success emerges as proximity to the finish line awaits the breaking of the tape. The sides of the course lay strewn with sprinters who couldn’t make the adjustment to the length of the race. 


Those who rightly prepared and understood the race stood atop the victory platform. Race finished. Reward eminent. Hit the wall or hit the ribbon. 


“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith . . .” 

– 2 Timothy 4:7

Jim Beaird

The Lamb That Came to Dinner

The ancient Egyptians worshipped many deities. Among them was the small lamb. During Passover each year, the Hebrew people were to bring a small, unblemished lamb into their home four days prior the actual Passover event. Then, after the family grew accustomed to the cute little creature, they were to kill it and eat it for their Passover meal. 


If you’re a parent, you can see the problem here. The children most likely romped around the home with the furry little guy. Then, when the time came to follow their religious laws, the romping ceased. Children probably cried.


A perfect lamb was to provide the atonement for their sins and was to be recognized as their sacrifice to God.


Consider the lamb. Innocent, yet destined to be the sacrificial gap between God and man. So, why a lamb? Because it represented the “cute” things we allow to become idols.


That little lamb was a type and symbol of the coming Christ. As the little lamb represented an Egyptian idol, the Hebrews were to cut the bond with idolatry and give the lamb as a gift to God. Its cuteness was not to deter the ceremony and its innocence provided what God required.


Good news! Jesus came into the world to be that spotless lamb. No more animal sacrifices. No more dalliance with idolatry. The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of everyone who calls out His name entreating Him to see them right where they are.


What we could not so for ourselves, Jesus the Christ did for us.


Happy Easter and Resurrection weekend!

Jim Beaird

Turned Upside Down

The Scriptural narrative recounting Moses’ encounter with God provides us with a great lesson about an eternal promise.


As Moses stood before God prior to confronting Pharaoh, God asked Moses an interesting question.


“What is that in your hand?”

Moses replied, “A rod.”

“Throw it down,” God commanded. 


I’m sure Moses wondered about the relevance of the command to his particular situation. But he dropped the rod to the ground. What happened next made his eyes bug out. The rod became a snake – a real hot rod.


Then, God told him to pick it up by the tail. Again, Moses must have wondered, ‘why the tail?’ He knew people experienced with snakes just didn’t pick them up by the tail. They could get bitten.


As he reached for the snake and grabbed its wriggling tail, to his amazement, it again became a rod. This time, upside down.


Now, several thousand years later, we garner a timeless truth from what happened between Moses and God that day. Moses had always leaned upon his rod as it provided him sure footing along a narrow path.


But God turned upside down the thing upon which Moses leaned. In fact, it was never again called the ‘rod of Moses.’ From that time on, it was called ‘the rod of God.’


God may need to turn upside down the things upon which we lean – especially if they take the place of his provisi0n for our lives. Our initial response in faith unlocks the dormant potential already placed within each of us by our creator. 


Upon what do you lean? Let him turn it upside down.

Jim Beaird

Treasures of Darkness

Not all darkness comes from the devil. In fact, God intentionally allows periods of darkness in our lives that has nothing to do with evil. Why would he do that?


We have a way of settling into our beliefs and growing complacent with the world around us. We go through the motions of faith without feeling a sense of God’s sweet presence in our daily routines. 


So, what are the benefits of God-induced darkness?


1.     You’ll learn what you really know about God. In this day and age, it is possible to learn spiritual truth without ourselves becoming spiritual.


2.    You’ll be humbled. Are you often the one with the answers? Do you apply those answers to your own life?


3.    You’ll learn again the feeling of the lost. Some have been “in the faith” for so long, they have little to say to a broken, hurting street person. The darkness of God teaches you to care.


4.    You’ll prove the power of prayer. I think of the lessons Jonah learned in Whale Belly University. You can bet he prayed! He began to feel the doom of an entire city to whom he refused to preach.


5.    You’ll come out into a greater light. You cannot know or appreciate the brightness of the light you already walk in until you have experienced the revealing product of darkness.


Your tunnel will end. It’s not permanent. While in your particular darkness, open your eyes.


Jim Beaird

An Encouraging Word

God had given us each a measure of influence. Therefore, we should use that influence to affirm others. Words of affirmation have the power to bolster confidence in those who seem to struggle under the load of life’s heavy burden.


I recall a point in my life – 36 years ago – when someone reached out to me during an especially low point in my life. My wife and I had planted a church and saw it grow to around 300 people. 

Having sensed my time as its pastor had come to an end, I took a job as a patrolman in a community north of where we lived and accepted the midnight shift. That gave me lots of time to feel sorry for myself. 


During an especially low point in my destructive self-talk, I received phone calls from two men I admired and respected. The calls from Ray Smith and Del Lumbard simply told me they were praying for me, and that God still had a plan for my life. Those calls literally saved my life.


You never know what a well-placed word of encouragement can do for someone. Use the influence you have. Reach out to someone God lays on your heart. Pray for them. You may just save their life.



“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”

Proverbs 3:27

Jim Beaird

Time for a Reset?

Deon Sanders accepted the job of head coach for the Colorado Buffalos. The Colorado team was the worst in the league and had a previous season record of 1-11. Pretty bad.


Sanders decided enough was enough. He cited apathetic athletes whose only interest was in just playing enough to justify their scholarships. He had no room for that mentality on his team. 


He examined the struggling program and decided some housecleaning was in order and set about clearing the way for players who wanted to win. His contagious swager drew many top athletes from across the country.


Before the dust had settled, dozens of players walked out as 86 new players arrived -- 70 on scholarship, 57 of which were added via the transfer portal.


So far, in the first game in which his team was 20-point underdogs, he grabbed national attention as the Buffalos beat the heavily favored TCU team and set national passing records in the process.


Sanders asserted that a reset was necessary for him to have unbridled input into his young athletes. He promptly proved his critics wrong. Urban Meyers mentioned that, after Sanders’ success in cleaning house, a lot more coaches would likely follow suit. 


Time for a reset? There comes a time when the past must remain there … in the past.


“… forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” – Phil. 3:13-14



Jim Beaird

When a Gimme Isn't a Gimme

My latent interest in golf resurfaced recently. A shoulder surgery two years ago has allowed me to enjoy the game once again. Along with the good shots, there are still plenty of bad shots.


While a lot of golfers tell their playing partners, “That’s a gimme,” meaning their ball was close enough to the hole that its dropping in was obvious. So, elated, the golfer picks up his ball and smiles at not having to putt the final shot.


There’s another side to this apparent victory. While the distance varies for ‘gimmes,’ the possibility still remains of a miss, should the golfer decide to go ahead and putt anyway.


I watched several highlight reels where PGA golfers missed puts inside two feet. In fact, Danny Lee six-putted inside three feet. They call that a meltdown.


Success isn’t automatic based on actions up to the moment of finish. Follow-through demands not taking anything for granted. It reveals the true outcome—not just a ‘gimme.’


 Too many ‘gimmes’ in life leave a person ill-prepared for the finish. When the Apostle Paul said, “I have finished the course …” he wasn’t referring to the game of golf. He never took anything for granted. He followed through right up until the Lord called him home to the celestial clubhouse to accept his prize.


He finished his course knowing that God doesn’t accept ‘gimmes.’


 “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the– faith.”

 2 Timothy 4:7 (NASB)

Jim Beaird

Play it Where it Lands

The golfer hit his ball into a clump of taller grass, just ten yards off the fairway. He was so close to having a great drive, but as the ball sailed down the fairway, it began a lazy arc to the right. After finding the ball, he looked around to see if anyone had been watching his search. The other golfers had their own drives to locate, so he was safe.


He deftly used his “foot wedge,” kicking the ball back into the shorter, smoother grass and decided to take his second shot before anyone was the wiser. This time, trying to hurry, he dubbed the ball out of bounds and lost it completely.


Had he simply played the ball from its first location, most likely, he’d still have the ball. His challenge was to play it from where it originally fell. By moving the ball, he avoided the challenge to improve his skills.

Only a challenge can develop us into what God desires for us to become—better at living life where it falls.


Life gives us obstacles that make daily living a challenge. Perhaps we shouldn’t always try to get out of the situation by ourselves. Instead, we need to ask God for the grace to endure and the faith to power through when life lands us in the tall grass.

He’s keeping score.

Jim Beaird

Two Types of Islands

Islands are for having fun—especially while on vacation. If you’re from up north, a tropical island has its greatest attraction during the winter months. The idea of lounging in a hammock between two palm trees holds great appeal as an alternative to shoveling snow and chipping ice.


A tropical island as a well-earned escape from a normal routine is one thing. 

Living on an island (figuratively) is also a form of escape, but not one that produces a healthy outlook on the rest of life. 


People tend to isolate themselves on their own manageable island, free of expectations and demands placed on them by others. “Keeping distance” eventually yields to arming the island so nobody can visit. No hurts or disappointments. Objective completed.


Predictability and self-preservation replace spontaneity and connectivity. In the end a life is misspent and alone. 


Determine to become aware of those around you who might be on that second island. 

Throw them a lifeline and pull them in from their self-exile. 


Allow them to experience the healthy concern by others and the inclusiveness that produces assistance in moving off the desert island of poor life choices.

Jim Beaird

Staying Connected - Part 2

The beauty of life abides in the resourceful partnership with others who share your passion. Staying connected depends on three things:

1.     A choice of personal input. Simply put, this means that once you embark on a mission to ensure a healthy connection with healthy others, you must maintain your own mind and soul. Make sure that input from others has a healthy place to ‘land.’

2.     A choice of interpersonal input. Your choice of who you allow to speak into your life depends only on your selection of those people. You can block out unwanted “fishing” from spammers and you can block out unsolicited advice from people intent on imposing their perspective. Choose wisely.

3.     A choice of professional input. We seek improvement by submitting to someone we trust and who can do what it is we want to do better. There’s always someone better at whatever it is you seek to do. The secret is to enlist the help of those who’ve been there already and are willing to nudge you in the right direction.

Staying connected demands wise stewardship of the gifts and abilities God gave to us. 

Jim Beaird

Staying Connected - Part 1

Our journey through the various phases of life need not be a mystery. We can be intentional in connecting with people who produce life and vitality to our lives. The secret is in finding the right people to speak into our life.

While many people suffer from the incessant negativity espoused by a negative family member or other significant individual, we need not allow their impact to shape who we become. That decision is ours alone.

It is a thing of solidarity with a resourceful partnership whose collaboration produces a desire to maximize the God-given potential within each of us. Individuals must connect with a relational community in which they can hear the Father’s heart beating through other individuals who make hearing God a priority.

Sadly, some of the most negative people around are Christians. It’s obvious that they have not exposed themselves to the positive affirmation that time with God produces.

Choose your crowd! Be aware of their influence on you.


Want to read more? Check out my website ( ) and read my book, “The Proximity Factor.”

Jim Beaird

Learning to Rest - Part 3

Sabbatical. The discipline of needed rest. It should shape an individual’s life and calendar and become a regularly practiced discipline that guides their attention to living within a safe margin that recognizes that individual’s need to rest. 


Stewards watch over investments, properties, and anything else of value. They adhere to cycles that influence or affect the performance or regular care of the valued commodity. Ironically, God set us as stewards over our own body. He intended sabbatical (rest) to allow people to disconnect from everything that drained them and become a source of needed refreshing.


Here's a few things that I implemented in my fight against overwork and fatigue.

1.     Integrate sabbatical (rest) into every part of your life. Regularly spend time in neutral—even if only for a few moments. You’ll be surprised.

2.    Take inventory of your commitments and discontinue any activity that demands much but offers little in return.

3.    Be intentional. Do it on purpose.

4.    Value the need to rest and listen to its promptings.


Sabbatical’s product ensures both a rested heart capable of coming into the presence of God without the baggage of duty or guilt and a debris-free heart capable of giving the Father undivided attention. As the discipline of Sabbatical (rest) in the life of an individual develops, he or she discovers the wisdom produced by a rested body and uncluttered mind.


For more on this subject, go to my website ( ) and check out my book, “The Proximity Factor.” 

Jim Beaird

Learning to Rest - Part 2

Having been exposed to decades of ministry and its demands, I went through a time of burn-out that left me on the side of the road. I had no desire to reenter the fast lane or “gut up and get through” any kind of ministry. The boundless energy of my thirties no longer existed. I questioned my value and potential contribution to my calling.


I consulted a doctor who determined that I was suffering from an adrenaline bombardment that kept me tired. He said the chemicals norepinephrine and serotonin—antidepressants the body makes naturally to counter the adrenaline, were simply not doing their job.


I knew that if I were to last for the long haul in ministry, things needed to change. My mentors had stressed that God will give strength to those who need it—even those who overextend their normal boundaries. “After all,” they said, “Our work is important and requires us to give all.” They were wrong.


Living in victory was not my issue. Rather, I was so tired that I’d fantasize about sleeping for three days somewhere. When sleep is all a person cares about, something’s wrong in the mix. For me, it was a chemical imbalance that could only be fixed by my adoption of sabbatical principles.


I’ll itemize my steps next week in Learning to Rest – Part 3. If you’d like a fuller explanation, you can go to my website ( ) and order The Proximity Factor on Amazon. 

See you in a week.

Jim Beaird

Learning to Rest - Part 1

When asked about spiritual disciplines, people quickly respond with of attributes outlined in theology that point the individual toward a state of holiness. I spent nearly half a century trying to get a suitable balance for me and others involved in full-time ministry. I mistakenly thought that we, as clergy, were different from the people we pastored.


Then, I discovered the discipline of sabbatical—learning to rest. I’d followed national theologians who’d espoused their own driven work ethics by seemingly only needing four hours of sleep a night. They always said their schedule demanded it. Those men and women were mentors to me and, I must admit, almost ruined me for the work to which I’d felt called. The prospect of continued ministry for me evaporated like a cool mist on a hot day. Something had to change.


 I didn’t need to look far to realize that I’d been chewed up and spit out—not by others, but by my own misguided sense of work ethic. I needed to incorporate into my life's rhythm permission to get adequate rest and relaxation. The concept seemed foreign to me, but after stern words from my doctor and wife, I set my course toward being whole and healthy. 

I’ll elaborate in Parts 2 and 2. Stay tuned.

Jim Beaird

Learning to Listen - Part 2

True solitude reflects the individual’s intent on really hearing from the Father. Today’s post provides three steps to realize in making one’s effort for solitude a reality.

1.     The individual must assume proximity to the heart of God. Position requires awareness of the individual’s venue and what he or she can do to be alone with God and to experience His acceptance and guidance.

2.    The purpose of an individual’s time in solitude cannot be to convince God to bless his or her plans, but rather to proceed only after hearing His voice. The purpose of solitude is to produce an atmosphere in which individuals can discern the voice of God from the myriads of voices competing for their attention.

3.    The process involves a deliberate step to gain a solitary place with God. Process implies action. Individuals can take no greater action than when they deliberately set a time to gain the presence of God and go there regularly.

I put it like this: There are distinctly two different settings in which we communicate and listen to God. 

1.     The time in the Tabernacle – Denotes the time of praise and worship in which we do the talking and God does the listening.

2.    The time in the Garden – Denotes the time and place where we have established the opportunity to hear from God. In this place, God does the talking and we do the listening.

Clarify your perspective of solitude. Determine to listen before talking—especially to God. Enjoy the impartation of the Father’s will to your spirit. 

It really works! Really!

Jim Beaird

Learning to Listen - Part 1

If an individual desires to hear from God, the spiritual discipline of solitude must precede that process. It seems everyone has their own perception of what real solitude implies. For some, it simply means playing some soft worship music while driving in their car. For others who have really found the secret to solitude, they give it top priority and practice it regularly.


Solitude filters out the mundane mindsets that characterize daily dealings and provides significance to our perspectives. Only solitude provides the opportunity for the Father to speak to a receptive heart and illumine darkness resident there.


Solitude represents the believer’s intent to shut out any and everything that keeps them from hearing the Father. Personal times of solitude demand willingness to allow His “still small voice” to permeate one’s innermost being and reveal His compassionate care and providential plan for everyone. 

True solitude demands silence. Let’s take a peek at just what that looks like—next week.


Next Week: The Garden and the Tabernacle: Learning to Listen - Part 2

Jim Beaird

Faith in Following

I recently had breakfast with my nephew, Marc. As we talked, he shared that the Lord had given him an interesting insight about his proximity to the Lord. He said, "I start out following the Lord each day, but often find myself on the monkey bars at the playground--forgetting my commitment to stay close to the Lord throughout the day."

As I thought about his statement, I was amazed at just how practical that insight was to our day-to-day living. We say we will follow Jesus, but we get sidetracked either by the cares of this world or the concerns associated with our life.

The bottom line is whether we will follow Jesus and let him lead our lives or will we find ourselves self-occupied with cares and concerns he's already taken care of? 

He said, "Follow me," not "Come stand beside me."

He wants us to trust him for what is ahead and to always be reliant upon his direction throughout the course of our life. 

The words, "Follow me," infer that he's moving--not standing still. He wants us to move with him to those opportunities and experiences he's prepared for us in advance.

Are you standing still or are you following him?

Jim Beaird

The Seeds of a Dream

A young student stood before his teacher's opened and extended hand. "What do you see in my hand?" asked the teacher. 

After a moment the student replied, "I see garden seeds." 

Then he said, "Look again. What do you see?" 

The student's eyes lifted to meet the penetrating gaze of the teacher. "Seeds. Just some seeds," he finally said. "Nothing more or less . . . just some seeds." 

"And what would happen if I planted them?" he quizzed, attempting to draw out more than the student initially gave him. 


After only a moment, a grin appeared on the student's face. "Then that's where you'd really have something! That's when the seeds could become what they were intended to become," he replied, his grin widening. "You have to plant them for them to be useful. Otherwise, they will always just be seeds."


God delights to give us a small measure of something and watch us learn to trust him for the wisdom and insight to grow it into something of significance


When we realize that the small thing we have has potential and opportunity for God to demonstrate how big he really is, only then do we understand the process of God’s development of his children. 


He gives us things that have potential—seeds that can be grown into mighty oak trees—and expects us to be stewards over that potential. Every child of God receives the same opportunity to envision the possibilities and watch God demonstrate his awesome power.


We must have confidence, not only that he will allow the dreams he's placed in our heart to come to fruition, but that the pursuit of those dreams belongs to us as stewards


Dream big!

Jim Beaird

The Theology of Second Best

My oldest son, Kyle, has climbed the highest mountains in the world—including Mt. Everest, which he climbed during April and May of 2011.


He told me something I shall never forget. He watched many others begin the ascent but one by one, they decided to quit without ever reaching the summit. 


Just being on the mountain was enough for them. They began to listen to the voices that told them to quit. The voices said, “You are getting too tired. You might die up here.” 


He actually saw a man die on the trail to the summit. When they die, they are left on the mountain because their retrieval is too dangerous.  (He literally stepped over some bodies frozen into the snow and ice.)


There are voices competing for your attention right now. How you respond to those voices determines how you will finishWho are you going to listen to?


There are trials playing out in your lives right now. You might be entertaining the decision to give up and accept defeat. Who are you going to listen to?


You are beginning to wonder if the dreams you had earlier in your life will ever come to pass. It was God who put those dreams in your heart, but it is the enemy who wants you to give up on them. Who are you going to listen to?


The truth is, we condition ourselves to accept the worst in life instead of the best. We talk ourselves out of God’s richest blessings and build a whole theology around second best


Who are you going to listen to?

Jim Beaird

The Empty Stall Stigma

The unmistakable odor of “recycled” hay hangs in the air as you walk into the barn. It has a distinctive smell that quickly identifies the purpose of the building built with many stalls. Some of the stalls have occupants and some do not. Therein lies the difference.


It is true that the empty stall gathers no mess. It is also true that a rolling stone gathers no moss and that a parked car saves wear and tear on the tires while increasing gas mileage. An un-watered lawn saves water, and an un-vacuumed room stirs no dust.


This train of thought leads only to abuse through non-use. More is at stake here than is easily observable because it is hidden behind the perception that ‘safe’ is alright. After all, nothing will be lost if nothing is placed at risk—right?


My metaphor of a stall can be applied to individuals and to churches. 


The gifts, talents, and abilities that God has given to us were given for a reason. He wants to accomplish two things—the development of His resources and the deployment of His servants.


The question I pose is this—“What will you do with your stall?” Will you keep it clean and safe and predictable, or will you invite people and events that will change its pristine décor and, perhaps, leave a mess. Will your stall show signs of use and be a friendly place for those who need God’s touch, or will it resemble one of those museum displays of a room where so-and-so used to sit and reflect on who knows what?


"An empty stall stays clean," (but the second half of the verse says,)  “but no income comes from an empty stall.” - Proverbs 14:4


What will be the epitaph when all is said and done? Will more be said than done?


Ah, yes. An ode to the odorless stall.

Jim Beaird

Roots of the Fallen Nature

In his classic writing, The Pursuit of God, A. W. Tozer relates how it is the propensity of fallen man to always want to possess things. He states, "There is within the human heart a tough fibrous root of fallen life whose nature is to possess, always to possess. It coverts "things" with a deep and fierce passion."

Roy Hicks Jr. once said, "What you give to God, He'll give back with power." I wonder how many of us have not experienced God's power because we hold to the things in which we are confident and experienced. Have we developed, as Tozer put it, "a tough fibrous root" in our hearts that keeps us from the kind of blessing God intended for us all along?

Whatever you embrace will shape you. It will determine your priorities and establish your value system. If you refuse to let go, you will discover that a tough root has grown in your heart, and it has control over you. It keeps you from becoming the individual God intends you to be. Its end is death.

However, if you submit to God's design, you will need to do some root-removal. The pain of the process will produce a product pleasing to God--an uncluttered heart capable of receiving His richest blessing!

Jim Beaird

Lethal Coices

I like hot wings. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. In fact, I can have a tail-gating party with myself right in my own living room during one of my favorite team’s football games. (I usually do not invite guests because that cuts down on the wing supply.) But that’s ok . . . I can cheer in stereo and make up for the low tailgater numbers.  


I hope you can detect the over-emphasis on my love for wings, but everybody has a weakness, right? After all, aren’t we all entitled to some indulgence to keep our eyes from crossing? Wouldn’t want to end up like that!

Self-indulgence is a killer. (THAT was sure a change of pace!!) True . . . self-indulgence is a killer whose prey includes those whose appetites rule their lives. I’m not just talking about food. Anything that indulges the mind or body fits into the category of lethal choices. We make lots of them because they’re subtle and usually do not carry an immediate consequence. Rather, they offer sensory satisfaction that fuels our drive to indulge and de-sensitize our good judgment.


My goal is to grow old with the wife of my youth. To do that, I must continue to make better choices about the appetites I once allowed to rule my life. It’s all a matter of perspective—getting things into the right focus. It’s about making right choices and being able to live with the satisfaction those choices produce.

Jim Beaird

Dull Axes

There is an old saying. It asks, "Why work hard when you can work smart?" We do not generally experience a loss of things to do. Appointments, schedules, tasks, commitments, etc. demand our attention and often drain our energy away from serving the Lord with all our heart.

It seems that when our personal ax gets dull we lose our efficiency and effectiveness. A sharp cutting-edge offensive often yields to a poor maintenance existence that robs us of creativity and growth. We spend time applying bandages rather than good judgment. A subtle relationship with the mistress of "second-best" robs us of our first love and clouds our perspective.

A personal inventory should reveal the condition of the ax's edge. From time to time we must inspect the cutting edge of our lives. If the edge is dull, we can continue to work at what we're doing, but with less efficiency and much more effort. 

Where is the fine line that divides a strong and healthy work ethic from a diseased and misapplied concept of productivity? If the truth were known, can we live with the demands we place upon ourselves?

The secret is in the cutting edge. It must be sharp and free of debris. It must be checked often for nicks and gouges. A rough file must often be used to smooth out a damaged area. Then the same surface must be exposed to the smooth, honing stone to restore its razored leading edge.

Frequent inspection of our life's cutting edge insures more effectiveness and less "down-time". The lack of joy in one's life generally characterizes the impact of allowing their cutting edge to dull. They use more strength to accomplish what was once easy. The joy has gone out of their service to the Lord.

My point of application is simply to be honest enough to submit to a personal inventory under the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you can learn to "work smart instead of working so hard."

"If the axe is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but wisdom brings success." Ecclesiastes 10:10

Jim Beaird

The Heart of the Matter

Symptoms provide a window to something more dangerous. We can gamble with the odds, or we can find out what the symptoms might reveal. A few years ago I had an important decision to make. Prompted by a tightness in my chest and motivated by a family history of heart disease, I decided to pay the doctor a visit. After several tests, it was determined that there was a slight abnormality that required an angiogram—just to be sure.

The day came for the procedure. I was amazed at the elaborate procedure for looking into a man’s heart—cameras and everything. As I lay there on the table, I could see the real-time video of what was taking place inside my heart. The doctors performed with precision and expertise. I had to trust them implicitly and place my life in their hands. All this because I listened to a few symptoms and decided to have it checked out.

Of course, you know what’s coming. You’re wondering when do I intend to make this less of a vignette of my life and more of a spiritually charged insight. I admit, while lying there for the several hours the procedure and recovery required, my mind was drawn to several life parallels and relevant perspectives. I wondered what would have happened if I had ignored the signs of possible trouble and not made myself accountable to my wife, my doctor, and now, you.

I came away with a reinforcement of what I teach and believe about life and ministry. There are certain times when we must allow God to look into our heart and reveal things that might be blocking His will. Then we must allow Him to perform the necessary surgery on our souls if we intend to finish strong. Denial is a deadly form of pride that keeps us from enjoying the mercy, favor, and care of our Father. Only a fool lives in denial, but a wise man acts before it is too late.

Our lives and ministries demand that we live pro-actively—ahead of circumstances that could negatively affect us and others. We must allow those tests which not only reveal character but shape our destinyThat is the real heart of the matter.

Jim Beaird

Guilt, the Resident Evil

The interesting thing about the “resident evil” Paul speaks about in vv. 21-23 is that it not only produces awareness of the sinful nature still at work within us which tries to disconnect us from the Father’s love, but it also produces debilitating guilt. In my experience, the guilt issue does more damage to our confidence in Christ’s love than anything else. 


That the sin nature will always be at work within us is a given and we will always struggle with its vacillating frequency of expression. Yet, the guilt issue is the deal breaker for most Christians who cannot understand why they still have sinful urgings and occasionally lapse into carnality. Subsequently, the question of heaven-readiness makes a person feel like a boat anchor stuck on the bottom of the lake. We fear getting left behind and wonder if we will ever truly rise above the grip of the old nature.


The only thing God wants us to take away from this portion of scripture is the provision of 7:25—Jesus Christ. Paul simply states the answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. God made everything about us and he delights in our fellowship. Yet the old nature still lobs explosive salvos into our thinking via outside stimuli and watches our reaction to the thought bombs. 


The fact that our sinful nature can still come out of hiding and raise its ugly head occasionally is reason enough to be sober about the possibilities and effects of yielding to its occasional lure. We cannot let our guard down nor can we grant the enemy diplomatic immunity


Some may choose to live in guilt because they feel they deserve its oppressive presence as penance for their misdeeds. But God has provided an answer. That answer is Jesus Christ—his full presence in our lives and his strength at work against the lies of the enemy.   


What’s the issue? The sin we commit or the guilt we allow?


Remember, guilt comes from the enemy, but grace comes to the repentant heart from a loving Father.


“Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Romans 7:24

Jim Beaird

God's Timing Pattern

One of the most interesting components of football provides a partial understanding of the providence of God. It is called the timing pattern. A wide receiver or tight end breaks from the line of scrimmage--apparently oblivious to what the quarterback is doing in the backfield. As he jukes right or left, he turns and BAM! There's the football. If executed properly, the timing pattern is almost indefensible, but requires BOTH the quarterback and the receiver know the pattern and willingly commit to making the play exactly as it was designed.

An interesting quality of the timing pattern also requires the thrown ball be almost to the receiver before he turnsfinds the ball and makes the catch. Here's another interesting side note. The quarterback did not throw the ball to the player but rather to a place on the field. If the receiver does not execute his pass route properly, he is not there when the ball arrives.

God designed life to be a timing pattern. We can know what God wants us to do and where he wants us to be if we listen carefully to his daily instructions detailing the "plays" and routes necessary for being in the center of his will. We huddle with the Father and listen intently as he lays out the plan--not in some generic and general sense, but in a specific and deliberate manner that always produces eternal results.

The problem most encounter is simply a misunderstanding of who's calling the plays and what their specific function is to be. Can you imagine what would happen if a quarterback called a certain timing pattern and the receiver decided his own route was better? He would not be at the place on the field when the ball arrives, and the defenders easily move in for the interception. Good play gone bad!

We find ourselves in timing patterns of life that demand our complete trust. Will God's provision be there when I need it? Does he know where I am right now? Does he know the struggle I go through to be obedient to his play-calling?

The weak link is never with God. He is faithful to execute the plays he's called in the lives of his obedient children. He has already thrown the ball--his provision--and it's up to us to be where it will arrive. 


Jim Beaird

Getting Past Your Past

I read about a man who had served many years in prison on a life sentence without the possibility of parole accused of a crime he denied committing.  Suddenly, he gained freedom and exoneration from the crime when a man came forward and admitted to the crime—even giving details that only the guilty could know. He gained his release twenty-five years after his initial incarceration. 

While in jail, he lost everything—his family, his home, his reputation. But something about this particular story intrigued me. The man was not bitter. Rather, his newfound freedom refused to allow him to dwell on the injustice that robbed him of everything he once had. He savored his new lot in life and anticipated traveling his new road. 

The court system expunged his record so he would never have to reveal his “former convict” status when applying for a job. Upon hearing the man’s story via newscasts and radio, many businesses stepped forward to help right the wrong by providing him not only with a place to live but a myriad of opportunities in which to start his new life.

Pain. Forget the pain. Don’t hold onto it like a badge of honor. Do you have the propensity to idolize pain for its attention-gaining attributes? Let go of it and it will let go of you. We all have some emotional scars. Scars are OK. Scars are a sign of healing—a point of closure. If you remove the scars, you remove the memory of what God brought you through.

The secret in getting past the past lies in yielding one’s future to God. God has a plan. He knows what’s ahead. He’s shaping a world-changer. 

(From Jim Beaird’s book, The Providence Factor, available on or Amazon.)

Jim Beaird

Living in the Moment

During a recent trip to the east coast of Florida, my wife and I decided to take in some beach time since our hotel was close to the ocean. 
We walked down to the edge of the water and allowed the surf to lap at our ankles and then retreat to the collective body of water. 
The ebbing of the waves was relaxing. 

On this particular day, I came away with a little more than relaxation. I noticed that if the surf didn’t wrap around my ankles, nothing changed. But when the surf enveloped my feet and ankles, I noticed that the sandy base beneath my feet began to erode from the water causing me to sink a little deeper into the wet sand. It didn’t take long before I had to step to the side and allow the process to start all over again. 

While I have experienced this erosion phenomenon many times during my residence in Florida, I had never really given much thought to it. Perhaps I was in a more perceptive state of mind as several thoughts came to me.

First, there are times when we just want to enjoy the moment but before long, find ourselves stuck in that which was once enjoyable but eventually become a trap

Second, our lack of movement ensures an absence of new revelation. What was once enjoyable and relaxing becomes a tedious process in maintaining what was lost through our stationary stance.

I believe that God wants to give us new experiences each day to keep life from lapping around our ankles and entrapping our future in a “moment” experience. He wants us to allow his mercy and grace to flow into our lives each day—not to entrap us but to free us from our propensity to live in the moment with no eye to our future. 

If the enemy of our soul can keep us from accepting new places and new adventures with the Father, he can stifle our spiritual growth.

Remember, we can live so much “in the minute” that we miss the big picture of God’s ongoing provision and revelation. 

Jim Beaird

What's Your Sweet Spot?

The sweet spot is a place where a combination of factors results in a maximum response for a given amount of effort. In tennissquashracquetball, pickle ball, baseball, golf, or cricket, a given swing will result in a more powerful hit if the ball strikes the racket, bat, or club on the latter's sweet spot.


The sweet spot is the location at which the object being struck, usually a ball, absorbs the maximum amount of the available forward momentum and rebounds away from the racket, bat, club, etc. with a greater velocity than if struck at any other point on the racket, bat, or club.


Everyone has a sweet spot—something they do, usually better than most. It may be a passion toward a hobby or simply the ability to perform a task or sport with maximum result. 


Now for the sad truth. Not everyone finds their sweet spot because they put more effort into imitating others than developing the special trait God placed within them. Imitation becomes the goal instead of personal development of one’s own “wheelhouse.” 


We must all allow ourselves to discover that “sweet spot” trait and become a good steward of its development. Only then will maximum impact take place—upon your home or world. 


God has a sweet spot with your name on it.


Jim Beaird

What About the Corner?

My wife, Kris, recently wrote a book dealing with life’s struggles prior to the time of triumph in one’s life. Her book, titled “There Had Better Be a Corner,” highlights how life can seem so unfair, yet there always must be a redeeming resolution to life’s edgier side. Her title came from the oft-repeated phrase the dear old saints usually said as their attempts at encouragement only reinforced her wall of despair. “Don’t worry dear, God has a blessing for you just around the corner.” One day, she simply looked at me and said, “There had better be a corner!”


She realized that if God planted the dream in her heart, then He would certainly provide the opportunity to develop that God-given potential. Years later, her leadership paved the way for many women (and men) to see beyond their present state of pain and hardship and dare to ask God to plant a dream in their hearts. If He plants it, they must water it with preparation for the blessings just ‘around the corner.’ He is faithful and desires for His children to fulfill the dreams He gave them.


No matter what your present plight, it is a part of God’s plan to make you into the quality of person who truly pleases Him. Nothing has ever happened in your life without first receiving His stamp of approval. Maybe you have not reached the corner where you see the drastic turn from pain to productiveness. It’s there. Don’t quit. You’re closer than you think.


Kris’ book link:


“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  Matthew 6:33


Jim Beaird

When a Plan Comes Together

Hannibal Hayes, leader of TV’s famous “A-Team” in the 1980’s, immortalized the phrase, “I like it when a plan comes together.” His rag-tag team was short on respect but long on ingenuity. They could improvise, adapt, and overcome in any situation forced upon them by the writers of the sit-com. They always triumphed the cause of the underdog.

Forty-seven years of ministry scenarios made me feel like the underdog. I often wondered if God really knew about my times of weakness and despair. Surely, He would step in any moment and rescue me from my own myopic perspective.

Looking back, I know for certain that God keeps good books. He has seen every tear and heard every cry of every heart that has ever wondered if one’s present lot held any significance. He knows only too well that we will get to the end of ourselves and then cry out to Him.

I’ve adopted a phrase that was inspired by Hayes' famous line from the 80’s. I like it when God’s plan comes together. Along the way there will be times when we question His moves and motives. He is never late, nor will He ruin His perfect record on us. Much of His plan remains hidden from our understanding until we truly need to know just what He wants to bring together.

Here’s the kicker. Everything that has happened in our life and ministry has happened to bring us to this very point in history. Either we trust Him to bring about the perfect plan or we do not. There’s not much room to wiggle here. This is where our faith gets revealed and where it transitions from theory to reality.

I believe God has brought each of us to this pivotal place in history. We may or may not have a great heritage and a noble past. But we have a future to seize and ground to take back from the enemy. We have decisions to make and visions to cast.

As we look back on this time in our history five or ten years from now, my fervent prayer is that we have heard the Father and trusted Him to bring His plan together.

Jim Beaird

Understand Your Worth

Dubbed the most lopsided trade in Major League Baseball history, the Mets traded pitcher Nolan Ryan to the Angels for shortstop Jim Fregosi. The Mets cited Ryan’s control problems and considered him more of a liability than an asset. Bad decision.


While with the Angels, Nolan Ryan won 138 games, threw 4 no-hitters, captured 7 American League strikeout titles, and led the league in shutouts twice. Ryan continued his pitching dominance after his trade to the Rangers and threw his seventh no-hitter at age 44. His 108.1 MPH fastball cemented his name on the speed roster of pitchers for all recorded time. (Clocked with radar during a practice.)


In contrast, Jim Fregosi faded from view as a player in only a few short years. He coached four major league teams and won a National League pennant with the Phillies in 1993, but his reputation as a player never entered the same orbit as Ryan’s.


The original trade to the Angels proved that Ryan only needed time to understand his pitching prowess and harness its potential. He gained control and confidence. The rest is history.


The worst decision we can make is to disregard dormant potential in either ourselves or others—only to regret a hastily made assessment that results in trading away our God-given potential for a paltry gain.


Determine to discover the special gifts God gave you and offer them back to Him. Whatever we give to God, He’ll give back with power and purpose.


“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:

Romans 12:6

Jim Beaird

Masterpiece of the Broken

God always seems to see the big picture. I am reminded of the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls under Nehemiah. Some of the rubble stones were charred from fire and lay in a heap with the other stones. 


The workers who rebuilt the wall used everything, put the broken pieces back in place, and did not apologize for the way things looked. Obviously, it drew sarcastic comments from the detractors who were squatters and did not want the wall rebuilt. 

But the images I keep thinking about are the charred stones
Imagine what the wall must have looked like—charred stones intermingled with the clean ones, producing a speckled effect from a distance. In the end, it did not matter whether the stones carried a layer of soot produced by a destructive fire. It only mattered that they had not been discarded and were being used in equal amounts with the other stones. 

It must have looked like a patchwork of odds and ends yet produced strength enough to accomplish the enormous objective of providing safety for those within its boundaries.

God uses the discarded, burnt-out remnants of humanity to achieve His masterpieces in the lives of those who call him Father. He uses the unlikely, the wounded, and the rejects to do what only He can do—produce a masterpiece whose ingredients are as unalike as possible—just to show He can. 


And he spoke before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, “What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they fortify themselves? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they complete it in a day? Will they revive the stones from the heaps of rubbish—stones that are burned?” Neh. 4:2



It's the Masterpiece of the Broken.

Jim Beaird

Last One Out of the Water

The movie, “Jaws,” unleashed a whole new phobia upon its viewing audience. A giant shark entered the territorial waters of Amity Island and began wreaking havoc and terror on the vacationing citizens whose only preoccupation was to enjoy the beach and swim in the ocean.


Sherriff Brody, played by Roy Scheider, a marine biologist played by Richard Dreyfuss, and a crusty old sailor named Quint, played by Robert Shaw, mounted an effort to hunt down the giant fish and secure the necessary safety for the beaching citizens.


The three men set out in Quint’s boat and soon found they’d overestimated their ability to kill the giant predator. As their boat slowly sank, Quint entertained the other two men with a story from his days in the U.S. Navy aboard the U.S.S. Indianapolis—a ship that had been hit by a Japanese torpedo. The naval vessel sank in just twelve minutes

Many men had been killed by the blast and the rest deposited into the angry ocean. The men formed a circle and held onto each other, but one by one, became prey to a large school of sharks. Of the 900 men in the water, only 316 survived. Estimates placed the shark attack count at over 150 men—the largest shark attack in history.


Quint told the men that for him, the time his fear rose to its highest was when, as the last man pulled from the water by a rescue vessel, he feared he would become the sharks’ last meal. It was at that moment he realized his life could end with a single snap of the predator’s jaws.


Quint’s fictional story holds great truth. Perhaps you’ve been deposited into murky waters and sharks seem to be circling, waiting for the precise time to devour you. You see others rescued but wonder if you’ll ever escape the thing in life that threatens to pull you under and eat you.


Know this. God knows where you are. Nothing will ever happen in your life that has not first gained his permission. That simply means his rescue has already been put into action. Place your trust on him.


“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.”

Isaiah 43:2 

Jim Beaird

Following a Fixed Point

My brother, Jon, once posted some thoughts about the moral compass of our conscience . . . 

"It’s a moral compass that’s aligned with the true north of God’s own standards for right and wrong," he pointed out.


I couldn't help remembering a unique practice I adopted a several years ago. As I spent many hours in board meetings and committees, I decided that I needed a reminder of an eternal value


I never will forget the first time I used this unique reminder. I arrived at a board meeting at about the usual time. Others were preparing their places at the table with an assortment of folders, computers, and other gadgets. After I had my folders in place and ready for the meeting, I reached into my brief case and retrieved a small compass which I promptly laid on the table directly in front of where I sat.

After a short moment, I discovered an uneasy feeling at having to eventually explain my choice of "gadgets." I was sure that someone would say something, but the morning went by and nobody said a word. I remember the relief I felt at not having to explain. My practice continued for several years without a single inquiry. Finally, someone asked me, "Jim, why do you always have a compass on the table?" I had forgotten the uneasiness of my first few meetings when I was just sure someone would want an explanation. "Are you lost?" they asked, trying to bring some levity to their curiosity.


I looked across the table and started my explanation. The room was filling with board members following a needed break in the meeting. As we returned to our chairs, I could tell another board member was also curious but would never venture into the potential "gotcha" waters. Then another member tuned his ears to hear the explanation.


"It is only a reminder that there is always a fixed point in the decision-making process. This little compass always points north--wherever it is--always north. We have a fixed point in Jesus Christ. He is always the same--never changes. We can always depend on Him to give us direction when we are lost. We deal with a lot of issues here and, I don't know about you guys, but I need to know there is a fixed point to which we can keep coming back."


That was all I said. Nobody laughed or inquired further. The meeting started again as I sat staring at the compass, evaluating my explanation. 


We need to know there is a fixed point in life. People easily lose their way as hope disappears from their once confident life. Jesus Christ is that fixed point and He will never point us in the wrong direction. We can depend on His unfailing love and guidance.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6

Jim Beaird

What You Fear the Most

Director James Cameron produced an ocean adventure epic costing 69.5 million dollars and was called, ‘The Abyss.’ In his 1989 story, a team of oceanographers worked on the ocean floor in a laboratory designed for deep-water exploration. As I recall, the movie was one of the first of its kind in which they took CGI (computer generated imagery) to the next level in entertainment. I sat mesmerized by the imagery on the screen and felt fully ‘submerged’ in its story line. In short, the story was about their encounter with a life form that emerged from a giant ocean canyon they referred to as the ‘abyss.’ 


So, to make a long (and very exciting) story short, the team member played by Ed Harris decided to risk his life to see how far down the abyss went. There were additional factors that weighed into his decision, but for brevity’s sake, let’s leave him there for now . . . falling deeper and deeper into the canyon.


Life is like that. We encounter abnormalities that threaten to sink us and drag us into an abyss. We might even feel helpless as we free-fall downward into what can only be our worst imaginations


Believe it or not, God designed these times to teach us to trust him more. While we rarely appreciate the experience in real time, hindsight always teaches us that God will not let us crash into something at the bottom of the abyss in which we find ourselves descending. The lesson takes place during the free-fall. It is then that we encounter the sustaining power of a father who loves us too much to treat us in a reckless manner.


Back to The Abyss. Eventually, Ed Harris hit the bottom of the abyss. There, beautiful creatures took him on board an alien spacecraft and saved his life. That’s the Cliff Notes version. What he feared the most was what saved his life.


The lessons we learn during our apparent free-fall are the lessons that will save our lives and prove that God really does know what he is doing and that he loves us more than we could ever imagine.


Remember, nothing ever happens in your life without first gaining his permission.

Jim Beaird

Keep the Plates Spinning

At least five decades ago, I watched a program on TV featuring a man spinning plates on the end of a long stick. He gradually added plates until he had seven or eight plates spinning atop the balancing sticks. 

As he added plates, he’d need to spin the plates already spinning—keeping them from slowing down and falling off the sticks. His routine morphed into a man frantically trying to get a dozen or so plates spinning at once while keeping them all from falling. Eventually, he lost the battle in his attempt to spin a record number.

Life can be like that. Really. We can manage our day-to-day activities until the requirement to do more faces us squarely and tells us that unless we can rise to the occasion, all will be lost.


Life’s successes do not depend upon our determination to sacrifice ourselves and wear out from exhaustion. Rather, life has a rhythm—a cadence that paces our onward progress toward successful accomplishments.


Stop spinning the plates. Slow down long enough to hear the Father’s heart. 

Your plate spinning deafens your ear to His heart. Anything that obliterates His voice from your ear places you at risk of missing the most important accomplishment of all—the impartation of His love and grace in your troubled life.

 You may, indeed, be missing His challenge to something great that doesn’t include spinning plates.

You don’t need to do what He does not require of you.

Jim Beaird

The Pain of Overload

“It hurts!”

Those were the words of David Tate, 180-pound safety for the 1990 Chicago Bears. He was not referring to getting blocked on a play. He was referring to the good-natured rivalry between the smaller defensive backs and the defensive line of the Bears.


One day, 320-pound William “the Fridge” Perry caught Tate and collapsed on top of him. As if that were not enough, 270-pound Richard Dent, 275 pound Dan Hampton, and 270 pound Steve McMichael joined Perry in squishing the much smaller Tate. That’s 1135 pounds of pain! More than half a ton! Tate later replied, “I don’t think those guys know how heavy they really are!”


Life has a way of weighing us down and pinning us to its playing field. We feel hard pressed with the responsibilities of life—not to mention the things that occur without warning. It seems that surprises come in multiples—one thing after another and usually on top of what is already weighing you down.


Jesus told us that we could trust Him to take us through life’s toughest trials. In Matthew 11:28-30, He said,

“Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”



When life hits you and pins you down and when you think the very life is being crushed out of you, look to Jesus Christ and trust Him for the strength to come through victorious! He’s already been crushed and bruised beyond what we will ever have to experience. 

Jim Beaird

The Eye of the Storm

As we prepare for another hurricane, I heard a song by Ryan Stevenson – “The Eye of the Storm.” I could not help but listen as the lyrics articulated what we face in the immediate future – a hurricane of uncertain trajectory! Every part of our state of Florida could be impacted. Yet, the song had been written prior to the state’s latest storm. Interesting. I think the providence of God played in there somewhere . . . just in time.


I am reminded that storms are not optional. They are a part of the natural system of the earth. They produce scenarios that really challenge individual thought and reason. I weary of people saying that God has judged our state by sending a storm to wash away things He doesn’t like. That's just nonsense.


A storm is a storm. Period. What God DOES want to accomplish, however, is to get people to work together and believe the best in each other. Watching neighbor helping neighbor pleases the Father. It is then that the very best impulses emerge from our fallen human nature. 


We are forced to take inventory of what is important in life and, in those moments when the pain of overload threatens our willingness to go on, He is right there . . . in the middle of the storm.



“In the eye of the storm, You remain in control;
And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul;
You alone are the anchor, When my sails are torn;
Your love surrounds me, In the eye of the storm.”


(A special thanks to Ryan Stevenson!)


Jim Beaird

Got Guilt?

“I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. (24) Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 7:21-23, 25)


The interesting thing about the “resident evil” Paul speaks about in vv. 21-23 is that it not only produces awareness of the sinful nature still at work within us which tries to disconnect us from the Father’s love, but it also produces debilitating guilt. In my experience, the guilt issue does more damage to our confidence in Christ’s love than anything else. 


That the sin nature will always be at work within us is a given and we will always struggle with its vacillating frequency of expression. Yet, the guilt issue is the deal breaker for most Christians who cannot understand why they still have sinful urgings and occasionally lapse into carnality. Subsequently, the question of heaven-readiness makes a person feel like a boat anchor stuck on the bottom of the lake. We fear getting left behind and wonder if we will ever truly rise above the grip of the old nature.


The only thing God wants us to take away from this portion of scripture is the provision of 7:25—Jesus Christ. Paul simply states the answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. God made everything about us and he delights in our fellowship. Yet the old nature still lobs explosive salvos into our thinking via outside stimuli and watches our reaction to the thought bombs. 


The fact that our sinful nature can still come out of hiding and raise its ugly head occasionally is reason enough to be sober about the possibilities and effects of yielding to its occasional lure. We cannot let our guard down nor can we grant the enemy diplomatic immunity


Some may choose to live in guilt because they feel they deserve its oppressive presence as penance for their misdeeds. But God has provided an answer. That answer is Jesus Christ—his full presence in our lives and his strength at work against the lies of the enemy.   


What’s the issue? The sin we commit or the guilt we allow?


Remember, guilt comes from the enemy, but grace comes to the repentant heart from a loving Father.

Jim Beaird

The Shadow of Discouragement

It comes silently and lurks just outside of our awareness. It waits patiently for the precise time, knowing it will come.


It cherishes its mission and is master of instilling doubts and fear in a healthy heart.


Its effectiveness is especially lethal during times of illness or fatigue as dropped defenses ensure easy prey.


It speaks to the heart of one who falters, insinuating God’s broken promises and disregard for one’s condition.


It lines the heart with doubt and infects the soul with poisonous lies.


It seeks to dim the awareness of God’s radiance and blocks out the rays of optimism and hope.


It boasts of futility and questions the resolve to finish at all—let alone the determination to finish strong.


It is a well-worn tool, used for centuries to pry into a man’s heart and deflate good intentions.


It clouds the purpose of a life and injures perspective. It blurs focus and inflicts double vision.


Its overwhelming and ever-increasing weight hides in the back-pack of responsibility.


Its price tag is easy credit with compounding interest.


It is the sound of a single note played at a deafening pitch, blocking out life’s melodies of joy.


It feeds on fruitless activities and misplaced priorities.


It convinces of the need to change venue without realizing the vision.


Its credentials boast countless successes in human failure.


It feeds on despair and punctuates disappointment.


It suggests the abandonment of goals and argues the validity of work ethic while dousing the heart with ice water.


It seeks to annihilate one’s future with promises of doom and disappointment.


It scoffs at the resolve to shake free and reinforces its hold on the hapless heart. It robs courage and peddles fear—replacing hope with the gloom of uncertainty.


It pastes itself like a poster in one’s heart and mind as a constant reminder of its presence.


It knows when to leave dormancy and sap existing life.


It is ever resourceful—constantly changing to blend with our lives and avoid detection.


Discouragement is the enemy’s “main drain” in the lives of those who are determined to go the distance but lack the stamina.


God knows all about the enemy’s strategy. He knows all about our weariness and disappointments. His strength sustains us through trials and fears. His great love compels us to receive His promises as relief from the assaults of the enemy. We have borne the yoke of discouragement far too long.


Psalm 55:22 tells us;

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

Receive a promise—His promise—that will never be affected by the power of discouragement nor will it give way to an enemy who knows no mercy.

Jim Beaird

What Really Matters Will Not Be Lost

If I were to ask you, "What event comes to mind when I say shipwreck?" Most immediately refer to the sinking of the Titanic while, it’s loss of life paled in comparison to the Lusitania (1,924), the Wilhelm Gustloff (9,300), or the Dona Paz (4,386). 

One such disaster stands out among the others as truly unique. It is the sinking of the Andrea Doria in July 1956, Italy's finest and most luxurious ocean cruiser ever. Its amenities included state-of-the-art technology and a unique double hull to ensure its unsinkability. It had made the trans-oceanic trip exactly 100 times and was now nearing New York Harbor early the morning of July 26. At the same time, the Swedish American cruiser, Stockholm, with its bow heavily reinforced for ice breaking, was leaving the harbor. There, in the dense fog off Nantucket Island, a maritime disaster was about to be written into the history books.

Following several critical errors by the boats' captains and crew, the Stockholm slammed into the side of the Andrea Doria. As the two giant vessels sat motionless in the water, the Andrea Doria's fuel tanks filled with 500 tons of sea water. The bow of the Stockholm had slashed through both of her hulls, and she began to list sharply to one side. A distress signal was immediately sent out and all but 52 people were saved.

The thing that makes this story incredible was not the relatively low loss of life from both ships, but a unique rescue no one has been able to explain. After the Stockholm had been towed back into New York Harbor, workers began to inspect its damaged bow. There, in the twisted beams of iron and steel, they found a young girl. The interesting thing about this girl was that she had been a passenger on the Andrea Doria. As the two ships collided, she was clawed from her sleeping compartment and deposited in the bow of the Stockholm. It took several days to reunite her with her grief-stricken mother. She is Linda Morgan, stepdaughter of the famous ABC correspondent Edward P. Morgan. Her younger sister was killed. 

There are apparent shipwrecks in marriages, occupations, relationships, and ministries. There are times when you may feel you've already slipped beneath the waves. A catastrophe may have changed the course of your life and you couldn't understand why it came about and how it could ever fit into His plan for your life.

You might even feel like the little girl, Linda Morgan, who was literally clawed from her place of safety on the Andrea Doria and deposited amid massive wreckage in another vessel. Your former feelings of safety and security evaporated in the aftermath of the circumstance that left you feeling shipwrecked and broken. 

Let me tell you what the Apostle Paul told those aboard the rapidly sinking ship that was supposed to take him to Rome (Acts 27:1-27). The storm will soon be over and what really matters will not be lost.
Additionally, you are God's chosen vessels--ships that carry the good news through the storms of life bringing hope and healing to those who desperately need to know God cares.

God has not left us, nor will he abandon ship when life sends us a tsunami. Nothing has happened in your life that has not first received his permission.  The power of his love will both sustain you and keep you when you think all is lost.

Remember, your storm will soon be over and what really matters will not be lost.

Jim Beaird

Integrity's Irony

The pace of the rush hour traffic slowed to a crawl and then to a dead stop. Horns began playing their usual obnoxious symphony and nerves strained to stay contained. Jockeying for lanes quickly became a test of nerves and courtesy as the morning’s complement of type A’s made their presence felt.

One such Type A honked at a middle-aged man trying to merge right. Then, he made an obscene gesture reinforced with unnecessary profanity. The man could only watch as the younger man inserted himself into the spot. Fortunately, the driver right behind the young man slowed, letting him merge.

Ten minutes later, the older gentleman entered the parking garage, found his designated spot, and approached the elevator. As the doors opened, he was surprised to see the elevator nearly full. Suddenly, from behind him, the same young man pushed past him and took the
 remaining spot. As the doors closed, he thought, “That is the young man who flipped me off this morning.” He smiled silently to himself and hoped the irony would play out to his favor.


Once inside his office, his secretary handed him a folder and said, “A young man is here to interview for the opening." After pouring himself a fresh cup of hot coffee and taking his place behind his desk, the secretary ushered the young man into his office. You guessed it—the rude young man from the traffic jam and elevator. The interview began with an introduction and a handshake. He motioned for the young man to sit in the chair in front of his large wooden desk. He smiled to himself as he watched the young man shift nervously in his seat.

He asked the young man several questions—all of which were answered to his satisfaction. He had graduated in the top three of his class, had impeccable credentials, seemed to be bright—but still had not been able to land a job nearly a year after school.

Finally, the man looked at the young applicant and asked, “Why do you want a job here? With your credentials and grades, I would have thought you’d apply at a larger firm.”

The younger man sat silently for a brief moment and then said, “It’s been much more difficult than I had suspected it would be. Most of my friends—even those who graduated below me—now have jobs they enjoy. But, I . . .” His eyes fell to the floor and his demeanor conveyed the impression that he had endured many disappointing interviews—with nothing to show for his efforts. He continued, “But I seem to always make the short list and then . . .”

“And then you don’t get hired, right?” He paused to let his words sink in and then pressed his point. “This morning in traffic, I was the person in the blue car you flipped off. Do you remember? Then again at the elevator in the garage, you pushed past me—even after I had already been waiting.” His words fell hard and the young man knew this would be one time he would not even make the short list. “That’s not the kind of person I want to represent my company.”

After a long moment, the young man lifted his eyes and looked directly into the man’s face. “You are right. . . I’m sorry. . . I thought I was going to be late. I let the traffic get to me . . . I sincerely apologize,” he said as he reached down to retrieve his case. “I won’t take any more of your time. Thank you for taking the time to see me.” He stood to leave, but the man said, “The interview is not over until I say it’s over. Please sit,” he said, motioning to the chair.

As the young man took his seat, the older man said, “I have more to say.” As the two sat for a moment, he began, “You were rude and arrogant. That might be prerequisites for some jobs, but I stress building relationships with clients by living and working with integrity—putting the needs of others before my own—and giving an honest effort to making my little corner of the world a better place. I am interested in someone working here who represents the interests of this company and conducts himself in a manner that engenders my trust. Above all else, he must possess the integrity that demonstrates his desire to grow into a productive and useful part of this team”

The words seemed almost canned, except that the young man’s attention was riveted to each word. Why is he taking this time with me? Didn’t I already kill this deal in traffic?

Sensing he had made his point, the man leaned forward and said, “Young man, do you believe you have it in you to do that?”


Stunned at the sudden shift in the older man’s composure, he now sensed something he had not sensed before, but he couldn’t put his finger on just what it was. “Do you?” the older man pressed.

glimmer of hope appeared out of nowhere as the man awaited his answer. “Sir, I don’t know if I possess those qualities right now, but I’d like the opportunity to work under someone who does—if that makes sense . . I feel I have a lot to learn, and . . . I also feel I have a lot to offer,” he said as his voice trailed off.

“Young man, thank you for your honesty. See, you do have the makings of the kind of person I’m looking for. You could have given me the answer I wanted to hear, but instead, you were truthful, you showed integrity,” he said as he rose from his seat and extended his hand.

Thinking the interview was over and that he had just sealed his own fate, the young man rose and took the extended hand. The two shook hands and then the younger turned to leave.

“Oh, I have one more question for you,” he said as the young man neared the office’s door. “Can you start on Monday?”


Jim Beaird

That Sinking Feeling

The western banks of the Hudson River in New York used to be the anchorage point for dozens of WW II battle ships. For decades their shells bobbed lifelessly as they awaited the inevitable time when they would be dragged out to sea and used for target practice or simply sunk.


These ships once sailed the wartime oceans filled with fuelmunitions, and supplies that would launch an army into the heart of the Axis empire. But, for the last several decades, they have simply been a shadow of their former usage.


Several years ago I talked with a man I considered influential to my work ethic. He was on my short list of people I allowed to speak into my life. I looked forward to hearing his inspiration as we exchanged greetings and began our impromptu discussion. But as we talked, he shared his disappointments in not receiving credit for things he’d accomplished. I noted the far-away look in his eyes as he recounted the things he did—mostly for others, and all for the Kingdom of God. Others had been honored—he had not. In his senior years he became a cynical man. I was shocked at the bitterness that seeped from deep within his soul.


I realized he was like those ships—once useful, now overlooked in his contribution to the lives of countless others. He appeared to be waiting for the time when he could be taken to sea and sunk. The passion was gone from his voice—the glint from his eye.


Yet, I knew him as a man full of passion—full of purpose. He was the type of individual who inspired others to reach for greatness. He never accepted excuses—a no nonsense kind of guy. He affected the lives of all who dared to risk the inevitable challenges they knew came from simply being in his presence. He made people want to try harder—to excel at life and ministry. Now, he visibly mirrored a passionless heart.


I couldn’t help but wonder if his perspective would have been different if he knew the real impact he had on so many younger men who emulated his style and drive.


I remember mostly the pace of his life and the things he accomplished. I remember his excellent Bible studies—the kind that makes a person say, “Wow! I never saw that before!” But I also remember watching him look down, shake his head in apparent futility, and walk away muttering something to himself as if trying come to grips with his disappointment.


If you haven’t guessed by now, I believe that how we end up is more important than how we start out. My dear friend lost something along the way that he never recovered. In his final years he lived without the acclaim he rightly should have enjoyed, yet he finished his race just ahead of the dark cloud that had nearly engulfed him earlier.


I feel inspired anew just thinking of how I wanted to please him and gain his approval. Yet, through his foray into despair, he taught me not to look to men for the approval that can only come from God . . . I think he knows that now.




Jim Beaird

Obstacles: Do They Block You or Build You?

The only thing about our journey through life (upon which we can depend) is that we will face obstacles along the way. I wish I could say that there is a viable option in which we can determine both the severity of the obstacle and its duration


Obstacles (also known as challenges, trials, tests, tribulations, etc.) are what shape and mold us into a useful part of humanity. If nobody accepted the challenge of an obstacle and simply sat down and crossed arms, nothing of value would be learned or modeled for others.


Obstacles shape us in several ways. I know . . . who wants to be shaped by the difficulties inserted into our life? Probably nobody. However, obstacles are a part of life, and we must learn to capitalize on the potential personal gain one can experience through head-on confrontation with whatever seeks to block our progress.


Obstacles take many forms. They can be rejection, character assault, or even prescribed training like our armed forces utilize to harden and shape those charged with keeping us safe and free. Obstacles can also take the form of repeated detours that leave us questioning our original travel plans though life.


Here are several questions you can ask yourself when faced with an obstacle.



What am I supposed to learn from this roadblock? 

Am I on the right path?

Is my timing in God’s will? 

Is this roadblock a divine protection keeping me from disaster? 

Have I sought God’s will for my life, and did I listen when He revealed it?

Am I determined to face each obstacle with a willingness to overcome it?

Do I look at each obstacle as a sign that I’m not supposed to go that way?

Do the obstacles keep me in a continual state of defeat?


However, re-read the list above and really think about how they might represent your attitude toward obstacles. This article’s intent is to bring light on those things that may be keeping you from realizing your God-given potential.

Jim Beaird

Old Ruts Won't Take You to New Places

As I walked down the wooded path near the river, I noticed a pair of parallel ruts that seemed to go on forever. The wheel channels had deepened from years of use. As I thought about those ruts, I imagined a horse-drawn buggy with a tired horse pulling it and walking between the ruts.

The well-worn path offered no resistance. The driver did not have to steer. The deep ruts literally locked the wheels in their channels.


Occasionally, the ruts became shallower, allowing the buggy to break free if necessary. But when that happened, the buggy tipped and jarred and tossed its load around. The driver had to hang on for dear life and the horse had to pull harder. Once free of the ruts, the driver could take the carriage wherever he wanted to go.


There are several observations that accompany this thought.

1. Roads are nice, but without maintenance usually become ruts.

2. Ruts come in pairs—breaking free requires a second effort.

3. Being in a rut takes you to the same place every time and requires little of the driver.

4. Ruts develop from years of repetition.

Gaining a new sense of direction and purpose requires a second effort to break free of the second rut. 


The second rut is the hardest rut from which to break free. Why? Because all four wheels follow the curvature of the ruts. One set of wheels still rolls between the ruts and the other set is free of the ruts. Breaking free of the ruts altogether becomes the objective.


However, another “tipping” awaits the second effort. This is precisely where most drivers either go back into the path provided by the ruts or they give the second effort—usually the hardest part—to break completely free of the rutted path. The second rut tips the wagon the most and presents the greatest danger to the driver, the wagon, and the horse.


The idea of being in a rut garners little thought because those who drive the wagon usually feel they earned the right to put the wagon on autopilot right there in the ruts.


Just remember, ruts dictate direction and negate creativity. They become “long graves” with a predictable death to those locked in their grip. Breaking free requires courage, vision, and determination to cut a new path to God.


If you feel locked in a rut and your joy in life seems non-existent, determine to break free from the old rut and carve a new path to a preferred future. 


Old ruts won't take you to new places.


“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”   Isaiah 43:19

Jim Beaird

When Life Catches You At Low Tide

As we crossed the Tampa Bay bridge on our way to the airport, I noticed that the tide was out, and the water had receded several hundred feet from the shore. Hundreds of birds flocked to the extended shoreline as a veritable feast of creatures lay flip-flopping in the sunlight, trying to get to the water and escape their hungry pursuers. Everything has a purpose, I thought, as we continued our drive to the airport.


The scene was one I'd seen hundreds of times--low tide meant feeding time for sea gulls, herons and other birds intent upon keeping the balance of nature on an even keel. I'd never given it a second thought, except to simply note its periodic and predictable occurrence. 


As I drove, my mind would not let loose of the familiar scene. Then it occurred to me that God chose the simple things--even in nature--to demonstrate his ability to guide us through life. For instance, the tide is caused by the moon's gravitational pull upon the earth. As the earth rotates, tides shift around the world, and millions of creatures either get fed or get fed upon


The low tide demonstrates how an eternal force can have an effect upon our world. While it may be one way in which God shows his care for an infinite number of aquatic creatures, it represents only a tiny percentage of his involvement in his creation.


We all experience low-tide periods in our lives. The safety of the shoreline suddenly gets displaced by something outside of our control and we simply flip-flop in the newly inflicted discomfort trying to regain our familiar and safe surroundings. Life's low tide provides a balance only God can orchestrate into a time of growth and purpose.


High tide follows low tide. Up times follow down times. Victory follows adversity. Perhaps something outside your immediate sphere of influence proves to be detrimental to the order of your neat and predictable life. Whatever you find yourself going through at this time is not permanent--it's just God allowing times in which your character gets tested and your resolve to follow through becomes solidified. Tough times produce tough people


God loves us too much to allow comfort and security to rob us of the opportunity for growth. The secret is to understand the purpose of the low tides.
Nature's tide responds to the pull of the moon; ours--the SON!!

Jim Beaird

No Shame in Safety

Arrows filled the air around them as they struggled from their dead horses in search of safety. It would soon be sundown and their tormentors would honor the cover of darkness. Yet, for now, an all-out attack made the prospect of life seem remote. The two cowboys found themselves stumbling over rocks and dead wood in a dried creek bank as they fled from the certain death of the Crow raiding party. With painful certainty an arrow found its mark in the chest of the younger of the two as he turned to match force with force. The older, wiser man knew from experience that his only hope for survival lay in finding a hiding place where he could clear his head and rest his weary body.

Grabbing his partner’s canteen and scurrying toward a thicket for momentary cover, he silently rejoiced in his discovery of a hollow in the side of the creek bank just beyond the brush. There, at least for now, he could enjoy the cool and concealed safety he desperately sought. From his place of refuge, he could see the body of his partner who was a gambler and accustomed to facing and playing the odds. This time the odds were against him as he paid the ante with his life.

It was a western mini-series on network TV. I watched spellbound as I found myself captivated by a story of the lives and times of men on a cattle drive through hostile Indian territory. There were no guarantees of safety - only the dreaded uncertainty of facing life moment by moment and being ready to fight to maintain the delicate right to live.

Safety for the survivor lay in a cool concealment where his attackers could not get to him without being exposed to the deadly aim of a western Sharpshooter in the steady hand of a seasoned veteran. For now, he was safe. For now, he rested.

This scenario describes much of life today as we find ourselves running for cover from the demands and pressures inherent in our activities. Many meet an untimely demise as they try to match force with force. The certainty of life’s pursuit set in the context of the uncertainty of its demands claims many a hapless victim who has not discovered the safety of the hollow.

There is a spiritual truth here that we cannot ignore. There is a time to fight and a time to seek refuge. A time to use force and a time to retreat.

Contrary to the ethics of Christian service and commitment which, in the minds of many are driven by a sense of duty and guilt, there is no sin in having to leave the fight to seek refuge. Those who have discovered the sabbatical rest that comes from dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty will attest to its life-giving qualities.

During a bout with pastoral burnout a couple decades ago, God tucked me away in a safe place where the enemy could not finish me off. It was there I discovered that periodic rest and retreat are not sinful. It was there that God let me experience wholeness without warfare and safety without guilt. It was in that secret place where God became my refuge and protector. It was there that I first uttered, “the Lord is my refuge and fortress. In Him I will trust.”

He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.
Psalm 91:1-2

Jim Beaird

Faith in Following

I recently had breakfast with my nephew, Marc. As we talked, he shared that the Lord had given him an interesting insight about his proximity to the Lord. He said, "I start out following the Lord each day, but often find myself on the monkey bars at the playground--forgetting my commitment to stay close to the Lord throughout the day."

As I thought about his statement, I was amazed at just how practical that insight was to our day-to-day living. We say we will follow Jesus, but we get sidetracked either by the cares of this world or the concerns associated with our life.

The bottom line is whether or not we will follow Jesus and let him lead our lives or will we find ourselves self-occupied with cares and concerns he's already taken care of?

He said, "Follow me," not "Come stand beside me."

He wants us to trust him for what is ahead and to always be reliant upon his direction throughout the course of our life.

The words, "Follow me," infer that he's moving--not standing still. He wants us to move with him to those opportunities and experiences he's prepared for us in advance.

Are you standing still or are you following him?

Jim Beaird

The Abundance Code

If you want to get someone's attention, start talking about abundant living. While that topic has seen its share of misapplication, it is a basic tenet of God's provision for his children to live in fulfillment and satisfaction.

It is hard to calculate the effect of God's blessing. To some, it is financial accumulation. To others it is simply a life in which he/she lives within an abundance of relationships and the security they produce.

During the course of my marriage (and adult life) we've experienced both lack and abundance. We've experienced loss and we've experienced financial gain. Through it all, we have gained perspective as to what real wealth is and what it is not.

I admit to a time when I actually tried to leave ministry because of financial lack and the frustration of having to tell my sons that I couldn't afford the things their friends freely enjoyed. If a well-paying job would have become available, I might have jumped ship and left the ministry. However, deep down I knew that God had a plan that, if I stayed the course, I would become the person He was developing through hard times.

He was right. Today I can say that I am rich--not in coin or currency, but in sound relationships and good health. God has afforded my wife and I a good life in which we have no sorrow from having made foolish decisions.

Yes, it is an abundant life--a GOOD life, thanks to a loving Father!

Proverbs 10:22

"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and he adds no sorrow with it."

Jim Beaird

The Prodigal Society

Apparently, only news items that mirror the dark side of our society warrant mention on the evening news. Rarely do we see positive reflections of a society gone derelict.  In fact, you might call us "The Prodigal Society" since we no longer care about pleasing God or allowing him in our public places, including schools.

By definition, "prodigal" means to leave a once-established place of safety and affirmation and choose rather to live in the forbidden zone of self-deprecation and indulgence. The Bible applied it to a son who desired to take his inheritance and leave home. After all, his older brother was the heir apparent to the family's home and business. So, he traded his place of safety for a pit of pig slop.

Yet, it is not only individuals who have forsaken their place of safety and provision, it is our society at large. It has become prodigal from the provision and power that comes with a right relationship with a heavenly father who loves them very much.

What led up to our society becoming prodigal?

  • The American church has left its place of authority in our society.
  • It has wandered away from the provision of the Father.
  • It has forsaken spiritual disciplines that enable it to hear from the Father.
  • It has secularized and sanitized its program to a point of powerlessness and impotence.
  • Those who stayed in the church grew complacent and territorial (like the older brother in the story).
We have left the place of provision and power because we've gone after other things. We need to return to the place where God can again touch our hearts.

Only when God touches the human heart can real change-or even transformation-take place. The human heart that invites God's redeeming touch experiences what no human agency can offer.

The Father has his eye on the horizon-waiting for his people to return to Him. He wants us to be proximal and not prodigal. He has an incredible plan that includes us being in close proximity to his heart.

We can no longer surrender to the maddening cries of secularism. It has taken us far from where we really need to be.

It's time to come home.

Jim Beaird


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The Bidder's Redemption is coming before Summer 2025.